The design of an organisation is not just about writing a strategic plan. It involves an intricate blend of culture, leadership, team dynamics, energy, strategy and organisational architecture. How are teams formed? What are the patterns of working behaviours? How are lines of reporting constructed? What are the decision making processes? How are communication channels created?
Speakers Institute Corporate works with you to understand your organisational needs, create a strategy to focus your resources, support change management processes and monitor organisational effectiveness.
We facilitate a discovery phase where we gain an understanding of what the problem, issue or challenge your company is facing. This is followed by a gap analysis to identify the true root cause, rather than the symptoms that are presenting themselves on the surface. From there we apply an integrated organisational design process, that has people and culture placed in the centre of all decisions.
At the heart and soul of an organisation is its people and the collective culture of the organisation. Our approach ensures that the Business Strategy and People Strategy are aligned and implemented in parallel. We can support your organisational strategy and design through the following options: