Power Of Breathing

We breathe in and out over 20,000 times a day. That is 20,000 opportunities to use one of the most powerful and free tools your employees have to improve their vitality and health, as well as directly influence their state of mind, body and spirit and assist with energy and focus. It is a secret weapon of high performers, from athletes to yogis, and now CEO’s globally. We have forgotten how to breathe well and we have become disconnected from it. We can all learn simple and very effective breath strategies that will directly and very quickly impact our lives personally and professionally.

Key outcomes:

    • Understand breathwork techniques for increased calm, more energy & greater focus.
    • Discover what happens in our body under stress, and how that impacts on our state, energy & focus.
    • Learn how using our breath can influence others as well as increase or decrease the permission others allow us.

Duration – 4hrs
Specialisation – Energy Management, Performance, Mindset, Stress Relief
Suitable for – All Employees


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