Craig is a high performance leadership expert working with CEO’s, emerging leaders and high performing leaders across the globe. He brings 27 years experience coaching, mentoring and training high performers in the areas of performance mindset, managing high pressure stakes moments, developing winning strategies, developing self leadership, and establishing successful team dynamics and culture.

Regarded as a global citizen, having grown up in New Zealand and lived in five countries, Craig’s diverse experience and background brings a deep level of understanding and questioning. With a relentless curiosity and an obsession with human behaviour and performance, Craig has a unique ability to build effective relationships, ask thought-provoking questions, provide valuable insights and mentor coaching clients through change and effective growth.

Working with world leaders such as the Dalai Lama, Fortune 100 Companies, Actors, Musicians and more than 100 Olympians and World Champions, Craig knows what it takes to reach a peak performance state, perform under pressure and achieve high performance.


    • High Performance
    • Leadership
    • Culture & Team Dynamics
    • Mindset & Confidence


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